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ēkaślōki Rāmāyaṇa (एकश्लोकि रामायण) : Śrīmad Rāmāyaṇa in just one Shloka!

ēkaślōki Rāmāyaṇa (एकश्लोकि रामायण) means Śrīmad Rāmayana in just one Shloka. There are many scriptures which have Ek-Shloki Rāmāyana!

वेद में एकश्लोकि रामायण
Ek-shloki Ramayana in Vedas

भद्रो भद्रया सचमान आगात्स्वसारं जारो अभ्येति पश्चात्।
सुप्रकेतैर्द्युभिरग्निर्वितिष्ठन्रुशद्भिर्वर्णैरभि राममस्थात्॥

(ऋग्वेद १०।३।३)

भावार्थ: श्री रामभद्र (भद्र) सीता जी के साथ (भद्रया) [ वनवास के लिए ] तैयार होकर (सचमान ) दण्डकारण्य वन (स्वसारं) में जब आये थे (आगात्) , तब (पश्चात ) कपट वेष में कामुक (जारो) रावण सीता जी का हरण करने के लिए आया था (अभ्येति ), उस समय अग्नि देव हीं सीता जी के साथ थे ( अर्थात स्वयं सीता माँ अग्नि में स्थित हो चुकी थी राम जी के कहे अनुसार), अब रावण वध के पश्चात, देदीप्यमान तथा लोहितादी वर्णों वाली ज्वालाओं से युक्त स्वयं अग्नि देव हीं (सुप्रकेतैर्द्युभिरग्निर्वितिष्ठन्रुशद्भिर्वर्णैरभि) हीं शुभ-लक्षणों से युक्त कान्तिमयी सीता जी के साथ [सीता जी का निर्दोषत्व सिद्ध करने के लिए] श्री राम के सम्मुख उपस्थित हुए (राममस्थात्) |

bhadro bhadrayā sacamāna āghāt svasāraṃ jāro abhyetipaścāt |
supraketairdyubhiraghnirvitiṣṭhan ruśadbhirvarṇairabhi rāmamasthāt ||

(Rig-Ved 10.3.3)

Translation: When Shri-Rambhadra (भद्रो) along with Sita (भद्रया) came to the forest (स्वसारं) named Dandakaranya, then lustful Ravana (जारो) in disguise came to abduct Sita, however (at that time) Sita was with Agni-Deva (and Ravana abducted Maya-Sita). When Ravana was killed, then Agni-dev along with Maa Sita who is adorned with auspicious marks and refulgent with own splendours appeared in front of Lord Sri Ram (राममस्थात्).

श्रीरामचरितमानस में एकश्लोकि रामायण

Ek-shloki Ramayana in Śrī Rāmacaritamānasa

नीलाम्बुजश्यामलकोमलाङ्गं सीतासमारोपितवामभागम।
पाणौ महासायकचारूचापं नमामि रामं रघुवंशनाथम॥

श्री रामचरितमानस, अयोध्याकाण्ड, मंगलाचरण-३

भावार्थ:-नीले कमल के समान श्याम और कोमल जिनके अंग हैं, श्री सीताजी जिनके वाम भाग में विराजमान हैं और जिनके हाथों में (क्रमशः) अमोघ बाण और सुंदर धनुष है, उन रघुवंश के स्वामी श्री रामचन्द्रजी को मैं नमस्कार करता हूँ॥

Neelāmbujaśyāmalakōmalāṅgaṃ sītāsamārōpitavāmabhāgama।
pāṇau mahāsāyakacārūcāpaṃ namāmi rāmaṃ raghuvaṃśanāthama॥

Śrī Rāmacaritamānasa, ayōdhyākāṇḍa, maṃgalācaraṇa-3

Translation:Who has complexion and softness like that of a blue lotus, whose body parts are very soft; On whose left side resides his dear consort Sita; Who has a divine arrow and a beautiful bow in His hands, I pray to that Shri Rama who is the Lord of Raghu dynasty.

How does it reflect the entire Ramayana?

Neelāmbuja Shyāmal Komalāngam : The blue lotus like soft body parts are of child Rama, thus it is the description of the Baal-Leela of Lord Rama.

Sītā Samāropita vāma Bhāgam : By sages and saints, Sita was given seat on the left Side of Lord Sri Rama during their marriage, it is the description of the Vivah-Leela of Lord Rama.

Pānau Mahāsāyak Chāru chāpam : By taking arrows and beautiful bow in hands, Lord Rama slayed all the evil demons, It is the description of exploits of Lord Sri Rama in war i.e. Ran Leela.

Namāmi Rāmam Raghuvansh Nātham : After killing Ravana, the coronation of Lord Sri Rama was done on the throne of Ayodhya, then Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma and all deities made salutations in the lotus feet of Lord Sri Rama. Thus it is the description of Lord Rama's Rajya-Leela. It unveils how Lord Rama becomes the delight of all the worlds. Whole world became the world of Lord Sri Rama.

श्रीमद्भागवत में एकश्लोकि रामायण
Ek-shloki Ramayana in Śrīmad Bhāgavatam

गुर्वर्थे त्यक्तराज्यो व्यचरदनुवनं पद्मपद्‌भ्यां प्रियायाः
पाणिस्पर्शाक्षमाभ्यां मृजितपथरुजो यो हरीन्द्रानुजाभ्याम्।
वैरूप्याच्छूर्पणख्याः प्रियविरहरुषारोपिता-भ्रू-विजृम्भ-
त्रस्ताब्धिर्बद्धसेतुः खलदवदहनः कोसलेन्द्रोऽवतान्नः॥

॥ श्रीमद्भागवत ९-१०-४॥

gurv-arthe tyakta-rājyo vyacarad anuvanaḿ padma-padbhyāḿ priyāyāḥ
pāṇi-sparśākṣamābhyāḿ mṛjita-patha-rujo yo harīndrānujābhyām
vairūpyāc chūrpaṇakhyāḥ priya-viraha-ruṣāropita-bhrū-vijṛmbha-
trastābdhir baddha-setuḥ khala-dava-dahanaḥ kosalendro 'vatān naḥ

[Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 9.10.4]

Translation : For the sake of [keeping the promise of] His father, Lord Śrī Rāma immediately gave up the position of king and, accompanied by His wife, mother Sītā, wandered from one forest to another on His lotus feet, which were so delicate that they were unable to bear even the touch of Sītā's palms. The Lord was also accompanied by Hanumān [or by another monkey, Sugrīva], king of the monkeys, and by His own younger brother Lord Lakṣmaṇa, both of whom gave Him relief from the fatigue of wandering in the forest. Having cut off the nose and ears of Śūrpaṇakhā, thus disfiguring her, the Lord was separated from mother Sītā. He therefore became angry, moving His eyebrows and thus frightening the ocean, who then allowed the Lord to construct a bridge to cross the ocean. Subsequently, the Lord entered the kingdom of Rāvaṇa to kill him and other wicked demons, like a fire devouring a forest. May that Supreme Lord, Śrī Rāma give us all protection.

Sage Śukadeva Goswami is Ananya-Śrī Rāmopasaka Vaishnava, Here he prays to Śrī Rāma for his protection (and also for the protection of Parikshit Maharaja).

In his famous commentary, Sridharacharya has written on this verse:

ग्रन्थकोटिभिराकीर्णमद्भुतं रामविक्रमम् ।
अध्यायद्वयतो वक्ष्यन्नेकश्लोके समस्यति ।।

[Sridhar commentary on SB 9.10.4]

Translation: The extremely amazing and valorous exploits of Lord Sri Rama are spread across the millions of scriptures (ग्रन्थकोटिभिः). Sage Shukadev is going to describe that infinite glory of Lord Sri Rama in just 2 chapters and He summarizes the same in this single shloka ( ek-shloki Ramayana).

Here Sridharacharya refers about Shatkoti Ramayana.

There are various reasons behind Shukadeva beseeching for the protection from Shri Rama, and thus surrendering to him in the very beginning. Shri Ram is renowned for giving protection and ensuring "Abhayam" (i.e. 'Mukti' and complete fearlessness from terrible fear of birth and death) to those who surrender to him, so Shukadev prays to Ishta Sri Rama for his own protection as well as protection for Maharaj Parkishit who is going to die in next few days.

Another reason is - Shukadev Goswami wants to summarize that infinite glory of Sri Rama which is spread across millions of scriptures, He wants to build a bridge across the ocean in form of Sri Rama's Charitam, therefore who can be a better help other than Shri Ram himself? So he surrenders to Shri Rama in beginning itself and ask his protection before summarizing Shrimad Ramayana.



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॥ श्रीसीतारामचंद्रार्पणमस्तु ॥